
Pscale Win 3.5, 3.6, & 3.7 for Vista 32 & Previous Win Versions
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Pscale for Win users should probably have Version 3.X or higher installed on their system. The correct version number is on the 3rd line of the  Pscale startup screen. These upgrades can be applied to Pscale Win running on Win 98, ME, 2000, and XP but there are only a few minor improvements concerning pre-Vista platforms. (see vista32.htm)

pscalevup.exe 1.7 meg self installing udate file. (Version 3.5)

pscale36u.exe 1.7 meg self installing udate file. (includes Version 3.5 updates) Please note that the install window will say Version 3.5 Update when it is actually Version 3.6

pscale37u.exe This is an incremental upgrade but you should be upgraded to Version 3.6 before applying this update. This version allows modification of Bass String wrapping material constants, some anomaly fixes, and improvements to the Manuals.

Note: PscaleX Users: If you are using the cross platform version for Win 7 64bit or Mac OS10 (intel chipset), you will be running Pscale version 3.6. You can apply the 3.7 upgrade provided you know the correct program folder. For Win 7 users who downloaded, the default install location is:
C:\PSCALEX\PSCALE (Mac users must apply manually to Applicatione/pscalex/pscale)
As of 7/04/13 all versions of Legacy Pscale and PscaleX install downloads are version 3.7. Registered users may request a link for the install programs.

Older version:
Version. 3.1 - 3.3  Download  & Instructions (Must Already Have Ver. 2.8 or up)

For Vista specific features, you current installation should be in the default c:\pscale folder. Otherwise you will have to do some hand editing of a configuration file for 100% compatibility. See Pscale Installed in different folder below

If you are running version 3.5 on a Windows Vista machine you should pull down the Setup menu and click the Graphics Win/Dos option. Answer (Y)es to the top question and hit the enter Key. You can ignore the remaining questions. Do this after any changes regarding Pscale in a different folder.

The Pscale Graph Compare routines in Vista are facilitated by using the "Open Source" DosBox Dos Emulator which works fine for these routines. Read: About DosBox in the Pscale Help menu.

Pscale Installed in different folder: If you have Pscale Win installed in a folder like c:\program files\pscale instead of the Pscale default folder of c:\pscale you will have to type in the correct path/location of the WinZip upgrade installer and hand edit a config file once you run Pscale. After starting the installed Pscale 3.5 you can edit the config right from Pscale by pulling down File, clicking Windows program, and typing in: notepad dosbox.conf  and hitting the Enter Key. This will open the config file in notepad. Make the following change described below to the 2nd line of the file. Then pull down File, click Save, and then exit notepad. That should do it.

mount c "c:\pscale\"   (this line might have to be changed to your folder ie.  mount c: "c:\program files\pscale"  (include " " ))

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