Latest Pscale Update 3.1 & Up
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Print this page (File then Print) for reference on installing the downloaded update program. Also includes more trouble shooting info if you encounter difficulties.
Upgrade will only work with installed versions of Pscale Version 2.8 and up.
The download update file has been improved. It is now a Windows and Dos program which you may invoke using the Windows 3.1 File Manager, Windows 95 Explorer, or DOS
(Ver. 3.1 - 3.3 03/11/00 - 932KB -Windows Self
Note: must have at least Pscale Version 2.8 DOS installed and running.
Instructions: (downloading - running the install - how to find the file - running from Dos - Tips)
When you click on PSCALEUP.EXE above, your web browser should detect a download request and display a some variation of a Save to Disk dialog box. The trick is to write down where (directory or folder) your browser is going to put PSCALEUP.EXE on your hard drive. The Save to Disk dialog box should list the target directory (and optionally allow you to specify one of your choice). Write it down so you will remember. You will use the Windows 3.1 File Manager or Windows 95 Explorer to start the update install program. Once you have downloaded PSCALUP.EXE, exit your browser, go off line, and return to your windows desktop .
If you know how to use Win 3.1 File Manager or Win 95 Explorer:
Use either program, open the folder that contains PSCALEUP.EXE, and double click on PSCALEUP.EXE to start the update install program.
What happens during the PSCALEUP.EXE update install program:
Opening screen displays Pscale Version x.x Update with text about install directory. Click OK
Next Screen allows change of install directory. Change if required and Click UnZip button
Next screen should say xx file(s) unzipped successfully. Click OK
Click Close and then exit File Manager(3.1) or Explorer (95).
If you are unfamiliar with File Manager or Explorer: (or can't find PSCALEUP.EXE)
If you have successfully downloaded PSCALEUP.EXE to your system the following step by step procedure should find and install the Pscale update. (this procedure will work for any file that you download if it is a self extracting or install program. Just substitute the appropriate filename.)
Windows 95 (Windows 3.1 below)
click Start, move highlite to Programs, and then click Explorer (down low) to open Explorer
click Tools, move highlite to Find, and then click Files or Folders
enter PSCALEUP.EXE at the Named:
Check the disk drive setting in the Look in: prompt and then click Find Now
Explorer will search your hard drive, find PSCALEUP.EXE, and display the filename and location in a window.
double click on the PSCALEUP.EXE filename to start the update install program.
after the update install you can close [X] the Find and Explorer windows.
Note: PSCALEUP.EXE will not be found under the following conditions: You typed PSCALEUP.EXE incorrectly, the file was not downloaded, or you have more than 1 hard drive and the file is located on a different hard drive. In the last case you will have to search additional hard drives by changing the Look in: prompt of the Find window.
Windows 3.1 (from Program Manager)
double click the Main program group
double click the File Manager icon (file cabinet)
click File and then click Search (down low in the file menu)
in the Search window enter the following to the Search For and Search From prompts:
Search From: C:\
click OK
File Manager will search and locate PSCALEUP.EXE and display the filename and location in the Search Results window.
double click PSCALEUP.EXE to run the update install program.
after the update install you can close the Find and File Manager windows.
Note: PSCALEUP.EXE will not be found under the following conditions: You typed PSCALEUP.EXE or C:\ incorrectly, the file was not downloaded, or you have more than 1 hard drive and the file is located on a different hard drive. In the last case you will have to search additional hard drives by changing C:\ to D:\ etc. in the Search From prompt of the Search window.
Running PSCALEUP.EXE from DOS: (usually no longer required)
PSCALEUP.EXE will also run as a DOS program if you only use Pscale for DOS or wish to apply the update from the DOS prompt. The following rules apply:
You must be in you \pscale directory
C:\>CD\PSCALE <ENTER> (change to your pscale directory)
Sample commands from within your \PSCALE directory:
C:\PSCALE>A:PSCALEUP <ENTER> (run the update from drive A:)
C:\PSCALE>\DOWNLOAD\PSCALEUP <ENTER> (run the update from \download)
Trouble Shooting Information:
Trouble Shooting Topics: Icon or Start Menu Properties and Problems and Possible Printer Problems
I have had a few reports of users downloading the upgrade, running the install, and still not getting the new version to run. In at least 3 cases, the Windows Icon was starting the DOS version of Pscale and there is no new Dos version in the download. In at least 1 case, the download was installing to C:\PSCALE and the users Pscale files were in D:\PSCALE. I have included this discussion in the hopes that it will prove helpful to some.
There are basically two things that must be done to correct these types of problems: 1)Confirm where the Pscale program files are installed (drive and directory) so that you can send the unzipped download files to the correct location. 2) Make sure your Pscale Icons point to the correct drive and directory and version of the Pscale program you wish to run.
The latest Version of Pscale (Ver. 3.3) now has an enhanced Add Icons (Set-Up Menu) option that will recreate Icons or Start Menu Items for: Pscale Win, Pscale DOS, Uninstall, and the .WRI files once you manage to get 3.1 and 3.3 up and running.
Problem: Icon or Start Menu starting Pscale for Dos, Wrong Version of Pscale or, No Program Group and Icons, or Program Group but no Icons or Start Menu items.
When you start Pscale for Windows the opening screen should display a black on white TEN and INHARMONICITY GRAPH and you should see Version x.x (current download number) for Windows on the 3rd line of text. If you do not see the graph at start up or the Version number is lower than the current download then one of the following has occurred: Your start menu or desktop Icon is actually starting the DOS version of Pscale (no mouse control) or the UnZip placed the update files in a different directory than where you had Pscale installed and you are still starting your previous version.
If you are having one of the above problems you first have to determine which directory or folder the Pscale program files are installed. This can be even more difficult if you have more than one installation on one or more drives. The install instructions recommend C:\PSCALE but as systems get new hard drives and upgraded this often becomes D:\ or E:\ etc. for whatever reasons.
How to start Pscale for Windows using File Manager or Explorer:
As Icons or Start Menu Items point to only one program in 1 directory, you may need know how to start pscale from the directory or folder level
Pscale for Windows uses a "runtime" program named DBFNRUN.EXE in conjunction with PSCALE.OVR and additional .OVR files. The above download instructions detail a procedure for finding the downloaded file and you can use the same procedure to locate DBFNRUN.EXE. Wherever you find DBFNRUN.EXE you will also see the name of the directory or folder name which should contain either the Pscale program files or my other program PTOOLS if you use that program. Make note of these locations.
If you have located DBFNRUN.EXE, you can double click the filename and a dialog will pop up and request that you select a .OVR file. If you double click PSCALE.OVR the Pscale program will start.
Finding and starting Pscale or Ptools this way is a good way to find out where the programs were installed and whether they appear to be functioning normally.
Once you have confirmed the correct location you can install the downloads
Checking the Icon or Start Menu Properties for Pscale for Windows:
Windows 3.1 (Win 95 below)
Open the Pscale program Group
Click the Pscale Icon once so that Pscale is highlited
Then click File (upper left)
Then click Properties
Edit so that properties reads as follows: (relative to your drive and directory setup)
Working Directory C:\PSCALE
click OK
Windows 95
click Start
click Settings
click Taskbar
click Startmenu Programs
click Advanced
In the left column:
double click Start Menu until you see programs
double click programs until you see list of your program folders
find and click once on Pscale
In the right column:
click once on the pscale icon to highlite
click File (upper left)
click Properties
click Short cut
The following items should read: (relative to your drive and pscale directory setup)
Start in: C:\PSCALE
Possible Printer Problems:
This discussion has been moved the PSWIN.WRI file (included with download) and invoked by Clicking the Pscale Main Menu Help and then Manual.