Pscale 360 Sample Scale Files
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You should be able to figure the Mfg. by the file name. Most are grands.
If there is an o at the the end, the file is more or less original. rs
means some level of rescale.
abchaseo.txt bald9o.txt baldmo.txt baldsfo.txt becho.txt bechmo.txt bluthnero.txt bluto.txt bram410o.txt bungerupo.txt cable2o.txt cableo.txt cablers.txt chic54o.txt chic5o.txt chic580quarter.txt chic63o.txt chic9rs.txt erard2o.txt erard3o.txt erardo.txt estey52o.txt esteyco.txt fischer_cons_1949o.txt gerbstado.txt gilberto.txt hazeltono.txt hfmiller5o.txt ivers54o.txt ivers54rs.txt jcfischero.txt jewett410o.txt kawaiexo.txt kimball410o.txt kimball410rs.txt knabe2o.txt knabe51o.txt knabe58o.txt knabe64o.txt knabe8o.txt knabe9o.txt knabeo.txt krakauro.txt lautero.txt lester48o.txt lester48rs.txt lud5o.txt melclrko.txt MH17AAO.TXT mhaafd1rsrc.txt mhao.txt mhdbso.txt mhupo.txt nonamegro.txt nonamegrrs.txt richmonduo.txt sam410o.txt sample1087.txt sampleo.txt shomackero.txt shudmeyer56o.txt sohmer54o.txt steck74o.txt stecko.txt steinao.txt steinao_3bridge.txt steinbo.txt steinco.txt steinerto.txt steingdo.txt steinlo.txt steinmo.txt steinoo.txt steinso.txt steinup2o.txt steinupo.txt story52o.txt swmillero.txt vose57o.txt vose57rs.txt weber54o.txt wurl2o.txt wurl410o.txt wurl410rs.txt yamc3o.txt yamga1o.txt yamgh1bo.txt ycf9o.txt